2023. Thank you for making it the best year yet !

2023. Thank you for making it the best year yet !

20th December 2023

As we enter 2024, it is a great opportunity to look back at 2023.

It was the busiest and best year yet for ABC Dogs !

We increased our classes to accommodate more people, dogs and puppies. Our in home consults were in demand more than ever and we also worked with Dunedin’s largest dog rescue organisation to help with their more challenging (and/or) reactive dogs that were struggling to settle. Seeing the amazing behavioural changes in these dogs, who often have very difficult histories and challenges then go to a new loving and permanent home has been a big highlight of 2023 and a very rewarding experience.

Our Facebook page has reached almost 18,000 followers and ABC Dogs is now one of the most followed dog training pages in NZ ! We have made an amazing community with our Facebook page and dog trainers from around the world like and follow our page as well as SPCA’s, RSPCA’s and rescue organisations. This year, two very big names in the industry decided to follow us too. When Absolute Dogs clicked to follow us we had an immediate increase of followers on our page (almost 300 in half a day !)

We also produced many more dog training graphics which were sold around the world and in the past two months we have translated them into Spanish, French, Dutch and German….with more languages to come !

Three graduating puppy classes in December of 2023 which was a record amount and we made an amazing video of our last class of the year picking their own presents for Christmas.

So what will 2024 bring ?

Exciting changes with our venue which is being renovated and will be finished in late January which will allow more classes and also filming for our Patreon/online clients.

Thank you to everyone that supports ABC Dogs. Past clients, present clients, people that refer us to others and followers/likers of our Facebook page.

A very big thank you to you all.

2024 !!!!

Let’s do it !